Friday, November 10, 2023

Out Out Out

Tonight is another night out at the theatre. I can't wait! Although I have a horrible feeling we're in similar seats to the last time we went there where I had to take breaks getting up the stairs. The joys.

Tonight it's Annie at the New Wimbledon Theatre - with us finally seeing Craig Revel Horwood as Miss Hannigan. We've wanted to see him in the role for so long now - I think it may have been a Paul O'Grady one before he died though. We've seen so many different excellent Miss Hannigan's now (Miranda Hart, Lesley Joseph (possibly twice), now this.... yes, we are watching the same production we always watch. 

Beforehand we're going to Bill's in Wimbledon who do an amazing fondue in a bread roll - we had it in York the other week for my sister's 50th. Were we not in a restaurant I'd have picked it up and drank it like a drink, it was THAT good. 

I'm wondering if I'll eat as much as I did in York - I ate a lot there - the fondue (shared though), a vegan burger and a spooky brownie for pudding. Too good. 

I guess this is a sign my appetite is back as well.... we're all having conversations about reducing my daily steroid amount - though I can't remember what happened last time. I think I was hungry central probably.... 

Truffle cheese fondue sharer with halloumi fries at Bill's Restaurant in Wimbledon

Truffle cheese fondue sharer with halloumi fries. Yum. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Cold Nose

The end of my nose is cold. This isn't a new thing, it's one of those things I have forgotten to mention here.

Last night I insisted husband checked my nose temperature, and he agreed it was pretty cold.

This wouldn't be so weird were I not wearing my Quokka Oodie which is unbelievably toasty. I'm warm everywhere except my nose. Obviously now I'm looking at a gazillion side effects but nothing obvious is coming up. Maybe I'm just meant to have a cold nose. 

The side effect (which dates back to the craniotomy in October 2022) where my nose runs when I eat is still there. I think that's one I'm stuck with, alas. 

But it does make me wonder if the two things could be related in some way. 

Monday, November 6, 2023


I'm definitely feeling the tiredness a lot more at the moment. I'm not sure if it's the colder weather and me snuggling under blankets more, but every day I'm guaranteed at least a thirty minute nap.

At least.

The weirdest part is waking up. I'm no longer remembering when I fell asleep so I'm trying to work it out based on whether it's light or dark outside. This afternoon was fairly easy, last night was confusing. The good news is that it isn't stopping me from sleeping at night although I could do better.

Having my tiredness be dictated by my head is something I wasn't expecting, mind. 

Thursday, November 2, 2023


Mum has now been told, face to face.

It went okay, as well as could be expected. There were tears, and we were asked (by mum) to leave to give her time to process it all. Which we did.

It's weird telling your parent you have a terminal illness, especially when she wants to do something to help. But there isn't anything, just what we're already doing. 

I didn't cry, just lots of hugs and trying to make sure mum didn't get too upset. We don't know how much she'll retain that she has been told. The key thing is the C-Word - cancer. 

It's all a bit rubbish really. 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

A Logistical Nightmare

Things are going well. I currently have four or five hospitals/medical establishments which are issuing prescriptions to me. I've completely lost track of who has issued what and what my medication actually is. 

So my days are phoning the GP, hospital, other hospital and so on to try and work out what is going on. 

Some of my prescriptions are different dosages so I need to make sure I have the correct dose handy as well so I don't run out. Uuuhh.

Too much to think about!! 

Friday, October 27, 2023

The Teen

My teen is growing up. Yesterday she was fitted with braces on her top and bottom teeth, the metal clunky 'these are not making me happy' ones. So far she has celebrated by eating soup and ice cream (not together, that would be weird) and the aches she's been having are becoming more tolerable. 

Interestingly, her orthodontist said she may need some teeth extracting - just like her old mum did. I have six teeth on each side which isn't a huge amount. 

I remember having a brace. It was a nasty plastic thing which stuck in the roof of my mouth and kept the molars straight - not that I remember a lot about my teeth at the time though. Other than they'll have been wonky. 

The teen's teeth definitely need help and they're getting it now which is good. 

The total treatment time is two years. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Monthly Donation

One thing I've noticed more than anything in this year I've been off work and life is that there appears to be a huge market for charities convincing you to give them money. 

For example, there are a lot of "we know you don't like funerals, so when your loved one dies they can organise it all so you can do something nice to remember them afterwards" which kind of makes sense.

Within this group of adverts there is one where a (quite clearly not) 50 year old lady is playing hide and seek with her granddaughter. "I'm 50 and a non-smoker" she tells the people down the phone. Now, I've been teaching myself to be kinder these last few... well, I'm not sure how long, but long enough. She is quite clearly not 50, more like at least another 10-15 years older. It isn't even dubbed so you can't blame that route either. For a parallel, I dislike this advert as much as the 'On the beach' one that was on every single ad break in the summer. 

Cars. Lots of "you won't lose your no claims with us" sort of ads. 

Then there are the next lot of adverts. Free wills with cancer charities. Possibly a bit close to home right now but something that needs looking into. Mainly as Shaun won't have a clue what to do with all my rubbish. Another thing is a Power of Attorney - having used ours with mum a lot I can see this is very important. 

Then, there are the animals that need help charities. Donkeys, horses, cats, dogs, rabbits,  oh just name them, they will be covered somewhere. I've noticed these charities encourage you to donate £5 - I'm assuming a month, but I don't actually know. All I know is the animals look like they need lots of love and I hope someone is able to do it. 

Finally, there are the children in poorer countries who can't afford doctors/hospital treatment, encouraging us to donate. I can't remember how much, just how sad the children seem. I'd donate money to most of these but right now we need every penny we can get. So instead I'll watch and wish. 

Sore Neck

Oof, it hurts. Trying to sit up without hurting my core. My upper shoulder is in pain but behaving.  It's not agonising pain but it'...