Showing posts with label adverts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adverts. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Monthly Donation

One thing I've noticed more than anything in this year I've been off work and life is that there appears to be a huge market for charities convincing you to give them money. 

For example, there are a lot of "we know you don't like funerals, so when your loved one dies they can organise it all so you can do something nice to remember them afterwards" which kind of makes sense.

Within this group of adverts there is one where a (quite clearly not) 50 year old lady is playing hide and seek with her granddaughter. "I'm 50 and a non-smoker" she tells the people down the phone. Now, I've been teaching myself to be kinder these last few... well, I'm not sure how long, but long enough. She is quite clearly not 50, more like at least another 10-15 years older. It isn't even dubbed so you can't blame that route either. For a parallel, I dislike this advert as much as the 'On the beach' one that was on every single ad break in the summer. 

Cars. Lots of "you won't lose your no claims with us" sort of ads. 

Then there are the next lot of adverts. Free wills with cancer charities. Possibly a bit close to home right now but something that needs looking into. Mainly as Shaun won't have a clue what to do with all my rubbish. Another thing is a Power of Attorney - having used ours with mum a lot I can see this is very important. 

Then, there are the animals that need help charities. Donkeys, horses, cats, dogs, rabbits,  oh just name them, they will be covered somewhere. I've noticed these charities encourage you to donate £5 - I'm assuming a month, but I don't actually know. All I know is the animals look like they need lots of love and I hope someone is able to do it. 

Finally, there are the children in poorer countries who can't afford doctors/hospital treatment, encouraging us to donate. I can't remember how much, just how sad the children seem. I'd donate money to most of these but right now we need every penny we can get. So instead I'll watch and wish. 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Daytime tv adverts

If I had ever forgotten about things such as making sure my life is organised or that I've given husband all the permissions he might need, daytime tv reminds me every fifteen minutes or so. 

If I'm not being asked to donate money from my wages (umm, my rental part on the house just went up by almost £100 this year, so no chance), I'm being encouraged to leave them some in my will. 

Oh and if I don't have a will then there's a list as long as your arm of places that will help. 

Don't think a will is going to help though when it comes to anything tricky that I can't answer for myself. We'll also need a power of attorney for both of us. Luckily there is a list as long as my other arm of people offering to do that for you too. 

The advert that REALLY gets me is the lady playing hide and seek with her granddaughter. "How old am I? Fifty!" she says, looking not a day over sixty five. Honestly, if they targeted these ads a little better they might actually get me to part with some cash. (while I still have some, see above note about the rental on this house).  I shouldn't judge people on appearances, but honestly, I look teenage alongside this lady - though that might be my hair (or lack of) helping there...

This is also the point where I point out the 'On the Beach' ad is still the most annoying on TV at the moment. 

Sore Neck

Oof, it hurts. Trying to sit up without hurting my core. My upper shoulder is in pain but behaving.  It's not agonising pain but it'...