Sunday, April 23, 2023
Thursday, April 20, 2023
I Remember!
It's really not that exciting, but I remembered one thing.
So since my hands have gone super-dry and cracked, security on my mobile phone no longer works as it doesn't recognise my fingerprint any more. It will again one day, but right now - no chance.
So I'm resorting to pin's. Remembering passcodes. All those sort of things. For someone whose brain is healing it's quite an achievement, so far I've been able to get into everything. My fingers are looking better too so I'm hoping this weird part of it all will sort itself out.
So yes, if you use your fingerprint for security, maybe set up facial recognition too. You'll thank me for it. I didn't do it and it keeps rejecting me. Sigh!
My Memory is Bad
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Spoke Too Soon
Last night I was awake until gone 2am as guess what? My skin was really itchy - all over.
I am putting it down to taking a drowsy antihistamine too late in the day. Or just sleeping too long the previous day. This might not be helped by me sleeping until gone 10am today. I was tired!
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Sunday, April 16, 2023
"What do you need?"
Disclaimer - I am not picking out any individuals - just writing what has happened. Please don't take offence.
Back in the radiotherapy days I had a brilliant rota between friends and husband to get to the hospital now I can no longer drive. It was great, we'd chat, catch up, grab a cuppa afterwards and chat more. Then the treatment stopped - and with that the rota was over. I'd have friends occasionally checking in, but more often than not there was silence. Now, I know I could get in touch with people so I'm also at fault here - though the sheer amount of appointments and getting things into the diary (which I spectacularly fail at).
Since early January I haven't had as active a social life. But I think we both know that - there's just one thing I wish happened when I meet people, family, whoever. I wish someone would ask
What do you need?
Because I'm not sure what I need, but I'm never asked to form those thoughts. When we go out for the day teen hands me my walking stick, the car is unlocked by husband, things are done. So I might have a train of thought of things I need to take out with me, but the more things done by others, the more likely I am to forget them.
Almost every time we go out I've forgotten a hat and - to be fair - I'm getting really bad at forgetting my stick. Which is why I don't want anyone to take offence.
So yeah, I'll get back to you with something I need. There will be something, I'm sure.
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Side effects update
Sore Neck
Oof, it hurts. Trying to sit up without hurting my core. My upper shoulder is in pain but behaving. It's not agonising pain but it'...
Tonight is another night out at the theatre. I can't wait! Although I have a horrible feeling we're in similar seats to the last tim...
You find out all sorts. The teen and the husband both told me things from last October that they had forgotten. The teen, I've forgotten...
My head is so tired. There, I've said it. I think this is a hangover from our trip to York and everything that came with it - which was ...