Sunday, April 30, 2023
Battle! Fight!
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Tiger Bread Feet
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Farewell (I hope) Insulin....
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Good lord, I'm still bad with dates. In all my calendars I had my next hospital appointment as a certain day, when actually, it's the day before. It was only because a nurse phoned me to ask me to go in earlier for a blood test which is to be discussed in the second appointment.
I'm relieved the hospital now has an app I can cross-reference and I'm also glad that I get phone calls like this - I feel so disorganised.
I have a spreadsheet with every single appointment that we all have so I keep on top of it, as well as duplicating that information in my Calendar. It (mostly) works, I print out the spreadsheet and keep it with me when I'm making other appointments.
Or I make appointments for school holidays and then realise I'll probably be at work. (it's okay, I have annual leave).
Anyway, just logging dates are getting muddled again. I bet I've already done this and I've forgotten.
Monday, April 24, 2023
Happy Birthday to Me.
Yesterday was my 53rd birthday. Who'd have thought that I'd have had a nice, fairly quiet one?
My sister and nephews visited and brought presents - including a life-sized cardboard cutout of Buddy the Elf from the 'Elf' movie. Buddy has made husband jump several times, much to my amusement.
I'm trying to think of places to hide Buddy to continue being amused.
We decided that as yesterday was a rainy day we wouldn't go far, but would go somewhere. In the end Polesden Lacey won, we had a nice hot baked potato and a good wander around the grounds - plus they had their deckchairs out, always a good move.
Today I finally did it. I got into the car, we were driving to hospital, and I suddenly realised...
"I've forgotten my stick!"
We probably could have gone home to get it, but I figured I probably would be okay without it, and if I needed one I could borrow one from the hospital.
But yes, today I went out without my stick. Getting out of the car was interesting. My legs seized up as well by the time I got home - which was a good excuse for an oily E45 bath to make my skin nicer anyway....
When I was getting a cannula fitted into my arm for them to add dye to me at the relevant part of the scan, another nurse was asked to do it as apparently "you were moving too much" - I had the most pain at one point where I was saying "ow! ow!" rather a lot. I never get like that....
Anyway, nurse #2 was asking some questions about my chemo side effects and said the magical words "Do you get a pins and needle feeling in your hands?" Yes! Yes I do! My Electric feelings! This was the first time someone had confirmed they knew someone else who had that feeling which has done a lot for my overall confidence. She then proceeded to tell me how her friend still doesn't have feelings in her hands six years later but we'll skip that one.
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Sore Neck
Oof, it hurts. Trying to sit up without hurting my core. My upper shoulder is in pain but behaving. It's not agonising pain but it'...
Tonight is another night out at the theatre. I can't wait! Although I have a horrible feeling we're in similar seats to the last tim...
You find out all sorts. The teen and the husband both told me things from last October that they had forgotten. The teen, I've forgotten...
Not a lot to report other than the usuals but I'm making a point of logging these now for hospital use. What day is it? What am I doing...