Tuesday, May 2, 2023


So we were back at the hospital today to discuss the results of my MRI from last week. Plus talking about chemo, the side effects and the next steps 

It's a weird meeting. My first notification from the hospital gave me a time tomorrow. Then I received an amended time for today. Then I received a phone call to amend my time today to a bit earlier. (which isn't a good idea as we're waiting for blood test results based on the blood test taken an hour beforehand) 

Then while we were waiting there was an announcement that appointments were running up to an hour and a half late anyway. 

Incredibly they found a vein quickly for my blood test which helped - unlike last week and the cannula. 

We did that part, and waited for the follow up meeting. It was the first time I've seen our Neuro nurse properly - she's worn a face mask up to now at appointments. 

We talked about the side effects. I need to be phoning/calling them if I get a rash, although it won't be due to this chemo as we've decided I should stop taking it. Now that sounds drastic and it is. My tumour is meant to respond well to that chemo, which overall it seems is working. But my side effects are too much. 

However, I have a new, very small, probable growth. Another tumour in a different part of my head. It's small, that much I do know. 

So we decided that I should have it treated with radiotherapy. At this point I said "oh brilliant! I love it there!!" (I really do) so now my consultant and nurse think I'm weird, as apparently nobody else has said that before. 

I asked my usual pointless questions which I got satisfactory answers for. I've been told to take photos of weird skin reactions (as I have my first dermatology appointment soon) - what are the chances that I'll be absolutely fine? High, I suspect.

When we got home we told the teen. She knows a lot and now knows a lot more. There were tears and hugs and all of us promising to communicate better. 

I still haven't cried. I'm still not sure why. 

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