Wednesday, May 3, 2023


I've always been aware that hairloss would be something I'd experience. 2023 has been the year of the hairloss, most definitely. 

I lost a lot of hair at the front of my head, though it's long at the back. I am currently rocking a prog style cut but I'm hopeful it'll grow back quickly - mainly as I've already got 1cm regrowth in a lot of places. This is where I wish I had kept a log of when things happened rather than guessing (as I'm sure you're aware with my lack of days and time).

I shaved my underarm area over two months ago and it still hasn't grown back. My hair in the more sensitive area has thinned considerably - I can even see my c-section scar again. 

Eyebrows, I remember rubbing them a lot during phase 2 of my treatment (chemo and radiotherapy), they haven't grown back yet, although a few stubborn hairs are sticking around just in case. Eyelashes seem fine which is a relief. 

Generally my body hair seems to be growing (mostly) and none of it seems to be different. So no eighties perm style hair currently. I'm quite relieved.

I've been told the next radiotherapy is in such a small area that I won't lose any more hair too. 

Given I was told chemo would give me total hair loss (and it didn't) I'm going to tread (and brush) carefully...  but I think I'm due some good news, if only so it's one less thing to think about. 

Anyway, here's the hair. Lookin' good.... 

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