Thursday, March 30, 2023

Daytime tv adverts

If I had ever forgotten about things such as making sure my life is organised or that I've given husband all the permissions he might need, daytime tv reminds me every fifteen minutes or so. 

If I'm not being asked to donate money from my wages (umm, my rental part on the house just went up by almost £100 this year, so no chance), I'm being encouraged to leave them some in my will. 

Oh and if I don't have a will then there's a list as long as your arm of places that will help. 

Don't think a will is going to help though when it comes to anything tricky that I can't answer for myself. We'll also need a power of attorney for both of us. Luckily there is a list as long as my other arm of people offering to do that for you too. 

The advert that REALLY gets me is the lady playing hide and seek with her granddaughter. "How old am I? Fifty!" she says, looking not a day over sixty five. Honestly, if they targeted these ads a little better they might actually get me to part with some cash. (while I still have some, see above note about the rental on this house).  I shouldn't judge people on appearances, but honestly, I look teenage alongside this lady - though that might be my hair (or lack of) helping there...

This is also the point where I point out the 'On the Beach' ad is still the most annoying on TV at the moment. 

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