Friday, November 18, 2022


I have always had tired eyes. Black shaded sunken eyes, in need of some sleep. Photos of me in a group, I'm wearing my tiredness well.

Since the operation I've had a lot of sleep - way more than I used to have. Where I'd average 6/7 hours if I was lucky, I'm easily making 8, and sometimes closer to 10 these days.

When I mentioned it to my consultant she seemed pleased, apparently people on these steroids (dexamethasone) can experience insomnia. Looks like I got lucky there! 

I know I wake in the night, not for long and usually just because I'm too warm. I'm fine with the summer duvet whereas husband needs a blanket which of course gets kicked off onto me :-)

I'm hoping all this sleep will improve my tired old eyes, they could do with it. Unfortunately the only photos I took of myself were in hospital so I look like I've been in a fight with very puffy eyes. Tsk. 

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