Friday, December 22, 2023
Head Clear
Friday, May 12, 2023
I will always and forever feel really awkward about asking people to sponsor me. I guess it comes from the side of my personality which doesn't like to shout about things - I'm one of those people who prefers to stay in the background.
However, when husband and the teen are doing something to raise funds and I physically can't do it then it is worth shouting about. I'm just out of practice.
But then I was too shy to tell work, for ages. Husband finally got me to do it - and oh lordy, I've just had to bump up my target to £1400 (from £500) because husband mentioned it to his work too and those sponsors keep coming in - which is awesome.
I wish I could do it, though as I can't I'm going to look after my nephew and we'll get a cab down to the hospital when the family get near the end and meet up with them.
I'm hoping the weather holds out....
Sore Neck
Oof, it hurts. Trying to sit up without hurting my core. My upper shoulder is in pain but behaving. It's not agonising pain but it'...
Tonight is another night out at the theatre. I can't wait! Although I have a horrible feeling we're in similar seats to the last tim...
You find out all sorts. The teen and the husband both told me things from last October that they had forgotten. The teen, I've forgotten...
Not a lot to report other than the usuals but I'm making a point of logging these now for hospital use. What day is it? What am I doing...