Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2023

Things and Stuff

So it is definitely something we need to do - get my life things sorted out. Hopefully we'll never need to use them or have access, but then again we might. Or maybe I'll need access to husband's because I'm going to live forever. Who knows. 

Today I was in a shop, it might have been WH Smiths, somewhere like that and they were selling wills you could do yourself. I forgot to check the price, they have power of attorney too. Things which we'd need to look at, quite possibly.

I've been keeping myself occupied filing all my books into spine colours. There's no reason for this other than it looks different. I have a pile of books upstairs with more downstairs too. 

I ordered a Thrift+ bag to get rid of old clothes that I won't wear any more which arrived today, ready to be stuffed full of nice clothes. 

Oh and child is adding an extra 5 minutes onto her start of the day by putting on makeup to cover her pimples. Proper teenager there - pleasingly she admitted it which is good. I mean, I knew what she was up to so I'm pleased she's told the truth! 

Friday, February 24, 2023


So I have a cold. I cough all night, so much that husband slept on the settee last night so he'd get some sleep. Me and colds never get on well and this is no exception. 

It's so boring though. I get tired - I spent a lot of yesterday napping and fell asleep on the settee last night, waking up at 10.30pm and being really confused as to where I was. 

Today I've had a bit more energy so decided it was time to sort out the bookshelves because that's a really sensible thing to do when you spent most of the previous day sleeping. Obviously I've got half way and I'm really tired. BUT! I have bookshelves which have books with the same coloured spine and it looks so much nicer. Let's not mention where I missed a few books, I'll work on that another time. 

This was all inspired by me knowing I have a book on pancake recipes. Except it's nowhere to be found. I am putting it down to delirium induced by this cold. It's bumping up my blood sugars again so maybe I'm hallucinating and it never existed and was just a knitting book. 

The plus side is I've found loads of books I forgot I had. 

The down side is I've got to put the books back on the shelves. 

The biggest bonus is I've got a load of books to read so I can't complain! 

Sore Neck

Oof, it hurts. Trying to sit up without hurting my core. My upper shoulder is in pain but behaving.  It's not agonising pain but it'...