Showing posts with label black friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black friday. Show all posts

Saturday, November 18, 2023


Phew. What a horrible night last night. 

I appear to have caught something. I'm unsure what but I managed to be very very sick last night, couldn't take any tablets and generally felt sorry for myself under the spare duvet in the front room.

At one point I needed the loo which was quite unsuccessful - I stood and fell on top of husband, unable to manoeuvre myself off him. If I hadn't felt so rubbish I'd have had the energy to laugh. Fast forward a couple of days and I've got a pair of quite spectacular bruises. 

Fortunately we worked it out. Fortunately.

I've no idea where this came from, other than every ten minutes or so I had to be sick. That was delightful. 

I did get a very good sleep last night and this morning. As in, I woke up about 10.30-11.00. I'm so very tired still.

We plod on, let's hope this is on its way out....

Friday, December 2, 2022


 So we've just had Black Friday, Cyber Monday, something else any other day of the week with an excuse for a discount for that store - the list is endless it seems.

Which is quite helpful with my little life laundry I'm doing at the moment. I received emails from companies I've never heard of - and when I searched my email history, it appears I placed orders several years ago. Nothing since, no emails since. It's like some marketing person has put something in place to nudge customers who don't really remember or care.

Fortunately on my side of things, it meant I had a whole load of companies to unsubscribe from. I've actually found these things have a pattern - I'm email subscribed. I follow them on Twitter. Oh and I like their Facebook page. So I'm getting all the news three times over and still not buying anything. So at that point I unsubscribe. 

Which feels a bit extreme, but then I'm also being practical. I'm unlikely to buy anything from them again anyway, and it's one less email to deal with if I ever can't deal with my inbox. Plus I'll get the same news via other places anyway, it's just once upon a time someone somewhere said it was a good idea to get lots of subscribers at (insert name here) social media network. So we all did. 

This has gone further too - I've been looking at the Instagram people I follow as I'm trying to keep things manageable there too. I've removed a lot of companies - I noticed way back some will follow you, then within a day they unfollow and you're unlikely to notice unless you have a tracker (life is too short for trackers). So I got rid of quite a lot of those, as most of the time I scrolled past them wondering why I was following them. 

Once you get started it becomes quite easy, though there is still the big conundrum, the people who post randomly on social media random links from their blog - but they still follow you. I've kept them for now as I'm weak and feel like if I was to get rid then they'd notice. (but so what if they do!) Though of course that's if they're tracking these things. 


Or too much overthinking more likely. 

Of course, the reason I'm doing this is so I only see what I'm genuinely interested in - and now I've pledged not to buy new things unless they're needed I don't need the temptation. Plus, and I hate to say this, but with this tumour things can change quickly (though this is unlikely right now) and I'd hate for anyone to have to deal with my overcomplicated inbox. So the things I can do to help will be good. Oh and for the record, yes I've started planning my funeral and everything else. Not in a morbid way, but just because I want to help and give guidance. If only to make sure the right songs are played....

Anyway, we don't need extra things. We've got enough. We are enough. Although I need to buy a new heated airer as ours has broken - typical they're all out of stock at the moment, but understandable!

Sore Neck

Oof, it hurts. Trying to sit up without hurting my core. My upper shoulder is in pain but behaving.  It's not agonising pain but it'...