Showing posts with label MooGoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MooGoo. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Itchy World of Pain

Oh my word. The itching. It was a whole new level of torture under my skin with no creams stopping it, just giving me a break until tiredness took over.

I am aware I'm scratching, itching my arms, legs, elbows until they hurt because I'm too tired to put more cream on. 

That what's left of my hair is probably hairs and flakes because there's not a lot up there right now, so hairs fall out with a lump of flaky scalp at the same time. 

I'm hoping tonight will be better. All I do is moan on here. 

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Flaky Palms

Did I mention my flaky Palms?

The softer side of my hand is trying to make the evil rash go away 

The rougher palm of my hand has what looks like skin when a blister has been popped. (Nothing of the sort has happened)

I have more MooGoo cream to soothe my evil prickly body which refuses to sleep because it wants to annoy me. 

The main issue is it feels like I need four different creams to make it all go away until the next time...

Monday, March 20, 2023

In My Head

"The cells look very abnormal. These are the fastest growing tumours. They often come back after treatment and can spread to other parts of the brain and sometimes the spinal cord. You usually have treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy."

This is like a giant brick being carried above my head using a fishing rod, all day every day. Yeah, we're going to treat you but sadly it'll probably come back and you'll have to go through all this again. You're not allowed to forget about this. I can generally ignore it, but occasionally it bugs me - like now.

It feels like I'm moaning about something which nobody else truly understands - and to some extent that's true. But there are people around me who know about certain things. Husband has done almost all of my care.

Teen has helped as well. We're a good tight unit. But I can tell it's getting tiring for them both. I'm tired too. I've stopped sleeping again (3am last night). This whole EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING keeps going around my head.

My big, round, flaky head. The flakes are pretty big now, all over my scalp. So I'm looking into a hair oil I can use to help the flakiness disappear. That or I wear a hat all day (which is fine but could get hot)

Even my ears are flaky. It's really not a great look.

Sore Neck

Oof, it hurts. Trying to sit up without hurting my core. My upper shoulder is in pain but behaving.  It's not agonising pain but it'...