Thursday, March 23, 2023

Mini Skin Cycle

I just checked, a normal, full skin cycle is 28 days. I know this isn't the case for my weird skin at the moment though. 

Currently I have one hand which is living the later day of the rash, where spots no longer really resemble spots and look more like light skin ulcers. I've been using my National Trust Orange hand cream which seems to be helping. My other hand is fine. 

It's a bit weird, but then having gone through it between Christmas and New Year, I know that chemotherapy and I don't always get on very well. We've got to have the rash, the electric shock feeling and the broken nights sleep. It's all part of the process and now I understand why I get three 'recovery' weeks. It's so I'm lulled into a false sense of security and I forget how inconvenient and irritating having rubbish skin is. 

If I was to have a full 28 day skin cycle then I'd be finishing my chemo week while simultaneously recovering from the previous one. Too confusing. 

My upper back is the only area which is itching slightly (not enough to stop me sleeping - go me, went from midnight to 7.30am this morning) so things are moving, changing - but I know all too well that if something goes, it's likely something is about to appear elsewhere. 

Anyway, I thought what better excuse to write about my rash-covered-hand, eh?

(this is where I should add a photo when my phone is charged)

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