I have finished my first chemo session. I was taking 220mg (I think - need to double check) whereas before with radiotherapy I was taking a lot less.
I break my treatment sessions into three groups to keep things simple:
Phase 1 - my craniotomy and steroids kicked in, insulin too.
Phase 2 - the daily radiotherapy and chemotherapy (1x20mg capsule + 1x140mg capsule once a day) plus steroids and insulin.
Phase 3 - chemotherapy and insulin.
Phase 4 - Getting really irritated, more than I ever have been, by Ant & Dec, the 'On the Beach' ad and most perfume adverts. I warmed slightly to 'We Buy Any Car' when I found out two were filmed locally. They're still irritating though.
I want to list my Phase 3 side effects as this is what is most recent in my head so I'll remember more.
Swollen eyes. Ohh it looks like someone has whacked me in the eyes - they're so swollen. Fortunately they're hidden behind my glasses, but I feel quite self-conscious about my eyes. This is the first time I've felt this way about any side effect - probably as it's my face.
Hairloss. I mean, I may as well brush my hair and watch it all come out, I don't have a huge amount left. I can make a tiny, thin, ponytail at the back of my head. Otherwise known as "it's probably time to get your hair cut" - but. There's always a "but" isn't there?
That electric shock feeling under my skin. I haven't found anything which comes close to this in lists of side effects. The feeling came back on chemo which says to me it's definitely the chemo I'm allergic to, not the antibiotics. On the couple of days leading up to the rest days I had to have the teen rub my back and husband rub my head as it felt like a thousand ants having a rave under my skin. It was not pleasant. I need to find something to calm it down for next time, especially as I think they might increase the chemo dose depending on how they think I've done.
Sleeplessness. I managed to stop sleeping. It was like the old days! Lying in bed wondering when I was going to fall asleep again.... it just came from nowhere. The plus side is I'd keep sleeping until 11am, though that then sends everything completely out of whack, so isn't the best. I guess this is why they call them recovery weeks.
Lack of appetite. This one is a bit frustrating. I've never been a slow eater, I've never had no appetite. Yet here I am, taking forever to eat food, if it's spicy I can't deal with it. If there's too much of it I'll probably only get through half. Desserts are back off the menu, mainly because I'd be sitting there a week later still eating it. Maybe.
Raised blood sugar levels. Yeah.
Edited, added later. Spots. I found one on my neck. Another looked like an infected hair follicle. There's one on my bum. They're in very random places - the only thing they have in common is their itchiness and that it's more like a boil than a spot, and there's only ever one of them in that part of the body.
Edited, added even later, I now have several hives all over my body and thankfully a good supply of painkillers. Let's see how we go.
Other side effects of TMZ - forgetfulness. There was something I was going to bring up and guess what? I've forgotten it. I've had a few times where I've forgotten what day it is - but that could be put down to poor sleep patterns so I'm not committing that one there yet. I did panic yesterday "I've not had my chemo!" to which husband and teen both said "It's Sunday, you don't take it on a Sunday" showing they're way more clued up to all this than me!
I had one evil cold sore which was fixed with mouthwash and hasn't reoccurred. I've had a skin rash which looks like it could be coming back (the teen has been monitoring my skin very carefully) - so we'll revisit during the next part of the treatment as it's difficult to say this time around.
I think that's everything. I'm sure I'll have forgotten something. I mean, we went to Nyman's National Trust yesterday and I forgot (yet again) to order the Tagine there and made do with a lukewarm baked potato instead (hmm, new blog..... )
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