Every other advert on tv is a bank. They'd love you to leave some money to a charity (in your will) when you die.
Every other advert on tv is a chocolate one. This wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't fighting off a cold with higher blood sugar levels so chocolate has gone back on the not-a-chance list until things calm down again.
Every other advert on tv is a takeaway service - like Just Eat or Uber. I get so many emails every day from Uber it's getting a bit silly. Uber, cool it down a bit, eh?
I tell you what I could do with some adverts for - chemo-friendly eyebrow reconstruction people, hairline growing fast shampoo (as I could stuff several cushions with all my hair that keeps falling out). I had the most hair fall out today which actually did enough to block the plughole - that was a first.
Today is also the last day of me taking all my medication unless it's decided that I need to go back on anything (and of course there's starting chemo whenever that happens). So I'm also wondering if this means my diabetes days could be coming to a close. That would be nice - if only to have a break thinking about what I'm eating...
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