Saturday, January 14, 2023

Not Being Rash

Okay, the rash looks like it might, finally, be on its way out. 

It's looking really faint - so I'm going to try as my doctor suggested and take one less (drowsy) antihistamine today, see what happens. If I need it then I can still take it a bit later than usual, I get the feeling that I've turned a corner. 

Last night I ate more food than I've done in a long time, I've eaten things which would have given me a sky high reading (when the rash first started), and my readings were low. LOW. Like, 5-point-something. Not like when they were 20-point-something. 

Last night I ate white pasta, mac and cheese. I had an ice cream. I drank coffee. My blood sugar levels behaved. This cheers me up as when you've had the random things happen during treatment it knocks your confidence a bit - especially when there's very little you can do than keep taking the medicine and hope it passes. 

I'm not about to make a habit of it, but it was nice knowing that it didn't have any knock-on effects. 

For the last few nights I haven't needed any Aloe Vera lotion on my back as well as the itchy/electric feeling stopped, so I was getting hopeful... but the last time I was and thought everything had gone it came back with a vengeance so I'm not going to declare anything quite as quickly - mainly as it could come back. It probably will with Phase 3 when I'm on a higher dose of the same thing. BUT right now I'm happy as I'm not having to think about anything else other than typing up all this. So yes, happy days.

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