Monday, January 2, 2023

Electric Chemo Side Effect Withdrawal

Oh my. Chemotherapy withdrawal is pretty brutal. For each good day I have I get bad ones that follow afterwards.

So yesterday and the day before I thought the electric current feeling under my skin had gone. But no, it's back today with a vengeance. Add to this my mouth appears to be collecting ulcers so talking and drinking is difficult and you've me : not a happy bunny.

I guess I'm wondering, if I'm put back on the chemo I reacted to, will it be even worse as it's a stronger dose? Will the withdrawal/recovery days be even worse? For context, it's like there's something in my body playing Whack-a-Mole, moving into different areas as you soothe it. Only to find that area hurts again. Prickly electric current feelings all over, you can't rest or sleep as nothing helps make it go away.

Please let this one just be a one dayer... 

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