Showing posts with label plans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plans. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2023

Leaving the House

Here's an interesting one. Well, it's interesting to me. I completed my Radiotherapy sessions last week, and this ended my Monday to Friday trips to hospital. All of a sudden what was a routine became something in the past which I looked back on fondly. 

The Radiotherapy unit I was placed in were lovely. They'd always chat with me about anything and everything that wasn't what was going on with my brain. We'd chat about Matilda, things we've laughed at on YouTube, things we've watched on tv, music we like, Christmas decorations. Yeah, Christmas. That still feels weird, it was the least festive I've ever felt (understandably). But we did it, we got through six weeks of it. 

Then it stops. I left the hospital with Masky and everything went into limbo. The weather was rubbish, my white blood cells and platelet counts were low so we had a simple way of life - don't do anything until the levels improve as I really don't want to get ill - mainly as I won't be able to fight it as well as if I was full strength. Pumped full of drugs and injections to make me as 'normal' as I can be. 

We also worked out that as the antihistamines I'm taking (for the chemo rash/electric shocks) are drowsy ones this might be why I'm so sleepy. Now my blood sugars are improved and aren't too high I've had a coffee again so let's see what happens there. I mean, it's obvious when written down but we've had so much information about everything it just became another thing. Until it became an "oh YEAH" thing. Which was less than a week ago. 

So if I drink more coffee, arrange to meet friends for coffee, don't push myself too much but keep on moving, get out of the house and to a coffee shop (levels of things permitting of course), then hopefully my stamina will return slowly but surely. Plus I'm getting out of the house so it's good for my overall mood. 

Coffee seems to be a theme here....

Thursday, November 10, 2022


... the day disappears. Daytime TV, This Morning, Steph's Packed Lunch, Countdown and the rest and suddenly it's 4pm, I'm still in my pyjamas and I've been horribly lazy. 

I set myself targets the day before, don't write them down and they're forgotten by the following morning. This means I should write them down and break the cycle until my brain processes things like it used to.

There has been a lot of things returning this week, I'm gaining the ability to taste and recognise flavours again which is nice - everything was so bland. I'm remembering some things which is useful. Another good thing is getting signals when I need the loo. At first things weren't great, but these days I'm doing pretty darn well which lifts that level of anxiety. 

One thing which is new to the "things I've lost" pile is the ability to match the lyrics to the song. I'm hopeful it will return, but it's weird not being able to do it. 

Something I'm thinking about - getting a blue badge for when we're out and about. I'm using a walking stick and get tired easily. So I'm thinking about it. However, there are several things that need doing first...
- phone DVLA as I can't drive for two years
- phone the insurance for the same reason
- I'm sure there are more but guess what? I've forgotten. 

Lots of accounts on Instagram are posting videos which I can't watch. They move too quickly, they have subtitles that appear word by word (if you're lucky) and the camera work changes so much it hurts. I've had issues with this since I came out of hospital so I guess this is one of the "hope it sorts itself soon" things. I mean, I was sat in the car, it was dark and I needed sunglasses on as I'm too nosey to close my eyes for half an hour. 

How do you get yourself out of the land of laziness? Write up a tomorrow plan and hope for the best, maybe? 

Sore Neck

Oof, it hurts. Trying to sit up without hurting my core. My upper shoulder is in pain but behaving.  It's not agonising pain but it'...