Monday, September 18, 2023


So here we are, another week begins. It's Monday and I have my 'list of things' to do this week (which take forever to get done as I'm rubbish). 

My skin feels like it wants to get going on another rash-spots-dry cycle though thankfully I have plenty of creams to deal with it which makes a huge difference as I'm ready. I managed to lose my scalp massage brush for a few days - though it has pride of place in the bathroom now.  My hands look dry no matter how much water I drink but I have super strong hand cream to try and make them look normal. 

We've had an odd week. Husband got ill - to the point he was in bed on Friday evening as he really didn't feel very well at all - and I was worried in case I caught what he had and dealt with it badly. I kept my distance ("take paracetamol!" "take ibuprofen!" "drink water!" etc)...

I was panicking as he was due to drive us to the hairdressers on Saturday morning, though fortunately everything resolved itself. This is the first time we've had this issue - husband is made of strong stuff (fortunately) - but it made me realise how a Plan B is sometimes necessary. Fortunately he was fine the next day, but it did get me thinking.

And yes, we have to drive to the hairdressers as it's a few miles up the road.  My fault but there weren't any locally we could walk to. 

Last night around midnight we had a pretty big thunderstorm. I was awake for it all, waiting for the big CRASH that was inevitable while hugging husband pre-empting it. My face mask blocked the lightning which was helpful - and once it had passed sleep came quickly. 

Sleep always comes quickly at the moment, and for that I'm grateful. I need it! 

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