This one is an odd one. When everything started and all manner of drugs were being prescribed to me, one of them was dexamethasone - a steroid. This was to help reduce the swelling around the tumour, and was one of the medications I successfully weaned myself from.
But then chemo #2 started and for the first time I vomited - so I contacted my team who put me back on the dex at the high dose as well as a few others.
NOW. The thing is - the first time I took dex my legs became like lead weights. I could barely walk upstairs - every night was a real effort, though it helped me be tired. I weaned off the tablets and my legs went straight back to normal. Then I started taking the tablets again - but this time my legs are unaffected - there's no additional issues at all.
(I find stuff like this quite interesting)
It feels like some weird lottery where I don't know what's going to happen other than something *probably will*....
(this also takes me back to the phone conversation about chemo where I was told 'no hair loss' 'some hair loss' and 'total hair loss' by different people on the team - and it was in fact 'no hair loss' which won, as radiotherapy was the hair removing treatment I had)
So I'm waiting wondering if my legs will start doing that again, hopeful it won't be the case as it should have happened by now....
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