Monday, March 6, 2023

I'm waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting....

Here I am after another Monday at the hospital. Today was a bit different to the usual - aside from the waiting involved.

We arrived at the hospital, checked in and grabbed my blood test forms, to then wait for two hours to be called to have my blood taken. By this time my veins were no longer playing ball, after three attempts we got there. It hurt though, it really hurt. 

Back in the waiting room and we sat and waited for me to be called for my blood pressure, weight, all the other stuff I can no longer remember as I'm SO TIRED. Which took forever. Another hour? It felt like it. Maybe not. As luck would have it, I bumped into Nikki who I shared a room with when I had the operation, so it was nice to catch up and see how she's doing. Chemo really does take it out of you, though it looks like she's doing okay overall. 

After that I sat and waited to be called to the Neuro Oncology appointment, and was called, ushered into a side room and then sat waiting for a WHOLE HOUR. Which wasn't doing my already tired head much good. 

Anyway, the good news is that my various levels are now at the level the hospital are happy with so I can start chemotherapy. 

Except I was told I'd get a phone call. Which three hours later still hasn''t happened (I'm kind of glad we left the hospital, it was making me tired). Fortunately we're close enough to the hospital we can pop there when we drop the teen at Guides. Except it closes at 5.30pm. Will I even get a phone call before then? 

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