Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Computer v Phone v My Waffle

Up to now the posts I've done have been on my phone. Quite easy to do via the Blogger app and something that if I really wanted to speak up could be done fairly quickly.

However, this has meant I'm no longer using a computer. So to balance things this post is. I've also tweaked the blog theme as well. Stuff you can't do on your phone, or if you can I don't have the headspace to work it out. 

So, updates. So many phone calls. I have lost track and poor husband rushes around with his book of notes writing it all down so we don't forget. 

Health-wise I had a headache, a very low-grade one which was there all day. I mentioned it yesterday at the hospital and I've been put back on steroids to help. So of course, my sugars went up. So there'll probably be more things I have to put into my body to get my strength and be prepared for treatment starting - I have a couple of weeks so there's time. Oh, and the headache has gone now as well. Typical. I had gestational diabetes when pregnant with my daughter so I know I'm high risk when it comes to anything blood sugar related. 

(I'm noticing I type more on the computer btw)

I have so many messages to reply to, so many emails to thank people, so many names to remember that it's really overwhelming at times. 

I'm also getting some lovely post from friends, with messages that really cheer me up. 

I'm also tired, more stuff for another post I'm sure!

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